What ACTIVEITEM® Does for People over 50
Does for People over 50
Theories of aging may disagree on the cause, but they all agree that a gradual loss of certain bodily functions is the surest sign of it. Starting from the age of 32, we begin losing:
- Muscle tone
- Skin silkiness
- Range of motion in our joints
- The ability to recover after workouts
- Memory recall
Until we’ve ultimately reached senescence, at which point we can die at any moment from an injury.
This gradual loss of functions represents a process where our genes shut they just deactivate.
Your body is an indestructible, self-sufficient biological miracle. No matter how bad the damage, all you need to spring back to life is the right maintenance. With one capsule of ACTIVEITEM™ every day, you begin to reverse the normal signs and symptoms of aging, an inch at a time.
On same tough days, when you didn’t get enough sleep, or in travel, take 2 capsules to make sure that you have that reserve of energy to complete your tasks. In a month, your most recently declining functions will begin to come back as the awoken from their dormant stage and be put back in action.*
Over a period of time, your dormant genes will be reactivated until you’ve surprised yourself with your renewal feeling of youth and vigor!* Your walks will become brisker, meals more nourishing, and life more fulfilling. Track your progress until your glory days are here to stay!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.